Emma Le Doyen


Photographer and Director Paris, France

Emma Le Doyen is a photographer based in Paris. Following her studies in Applied Arts at Duperré School, she chose to focus on photography, blending personal and commissioned work across documentary, portraiture, and fashion. Simultaneously, she honed her skills as a director, producing multiple music videos and commercials. Recently, she has revisited drawing and allocated time to develop more personal publishing projects.

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My photography consistently adopts a documentary approach, whether for real-life situations or commissioned projects. The goal is to infuse it with observations of reality, capturing the simplicity and beauty of everyday life. At the core of my work lies a deep-seated fear of losing things. Therefore, there's a simple act of continually creating memories or evoking a sense of nostalgia—a gentle, calming, and perhaps reassuring melancholy.


My work is a quest to preserve memories and capture emotions, creating sequences and short stories connected by threads of emotions and tone of intimacy. I like to link music to images, and I'd say mine are joyful yet fairly silent. There's a bit of ambient noise—wind rustling through branches, birds chirping, distant human voices.


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