Isabel Martin


Photographer     Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Isabel Martín is a photographer from Spain based in Amsterdam. With a background in Fine Arts, her photographic work explores intimacy and beauty, the poetics and politics of memory, remembrance, and belonging, merging a poetic and documentary approach. Both personal and commissioned work is informed by a deep curiosity in the stories surrounding us and the hidden beauty of the everyday.

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My photographs are the result of careful observation of my subjects. I believe the practice of photography offers the opportunity to honor what we see and choose to look at, the stories that construct our identities and spaces. I understand it as a form of attention and recognition — which ultimately is a form of — and a way of being in the world.


With my personal work currently focused on my home country, I want to collect and connect stories of mountains, gestures, the religious and the profane, queer tales, whispers, loved and unfamiliar faces, and the tensions between the past and the present. I want images to feel like a revelation, where we find something we thought we had forgotten or that, like children, we cannot name.


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