Rita Skomrova


Hair and Makeup Artist     Barcelona ⎯ London ⎯ Paris

Rita Skomrova is a hairstylist and makeup artist currently living and working between Barcelona, London, and Paris. Attracted to the world of fashion, advertising, and photography, Rita had been working as a makeup artist for the past ten years before discovering her new passion for hairstyling and wigs.

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Rita embarked on a new chapter in her career during Fashion Week in London, Milan, and Paris. With the privilege of working alongside renowned hairstylists such as Guido Palau, Anthony Turner, Evanie Frausto, Pablo Kuemin, and Martin Cullen, Rita was a part of their backstage teams.


Rita's artistic vision focuses on showcasing natural beauty with modern touches. Her expertise lies in creating minimalistic looks for beauty, fashion, and commercial shoots. In her work, she seamlessly blends her creativity with current trends through the guiding philosophy "less is more."


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