Martina Chinellato


Creative Director and Stylist     Madrid, Spain

Martina Chinellato is a creative director and stylist based in Madrid, Spain. She studied art direction and advertising writing at the Escuela Superior de Creativos Publicitarios in Buenos Aires. Martina began her career in audiovisual production, initially as a freelancer and later collaborating with production companies such as Rebolución, La Doble A, and Refugio Films. Since 2014, Martina has been working as a creative director and stylist, successfully merging her passion for fashion, creativity, and production. She has contributed to campaigns, lookbooks, and social media content for brands such as Complot, Todo Moda, Isadora, Pandora, Pablo Ramírez, Viamo, Luz de Mar, Promesse, Woman, Koral Key, among others. Her work extends to video clips and contributions to OHLALÁ! magazine.

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In 2019, Martina founded Miel Estudio and has been actively involved in various projects for Latam. Recently, Barrio Studio was launched in Spain in collaboration with her partner, Rosario Torrijos.


My passion lies in portraying an aesthetically pleasing image that avoids overload. The goal is to showcase the product and the person using it optimally. I work to create impactful casting, ensuring that the model's appearance through the camera resonates with the viewers.


I have a real passion for uncovering unique beauty and capturing the essence of each individual with their distinct qualities. Creating a warm atmosphere during every meeting or workday is another interest of mine. I firmly believe that the way we treat each other is crucial for fostering comfort, and I find that the job unfolds more seamlessly this way.


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