Juliette Da Luz


Stylist     Paris, France

Juliette Da Luz, a Spanish stylist and creative based in Paris, was born in the 90s. Her passion lies in weaving stories through fashion that transport people to imagined destinations. Her love for minimalistic, spontaneous, and natural styles is evident in her work. Her journey into styling began unexpectedly, perhaps influenced by her sisters who were models in the 90s. She pursued studies in image consultancy, press advertising styling, and graphic design in Barcelona. Fascinated by the blend of art direction and styling, she embarked on her career by assisting stylists whose work she admired. Through this experience, she learned the importance of crafting a unique identity, even in the smallest details. For Juliette, the key lies in detailed pre-planning and assembling the perfect team, where the true magic of creation unfolds.

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My creative approach embodies a natural, minimalist essence with a romantic touch reflected in my use of textures and color palettes. I strive for authenticity in my characters without any forced elements. Photodocumentaries are a profound inspiration for me; they offer a glimpse into one's soul through the composition of an image, a fascination I deeply cherish.


I find inspiration in the cinema, theater, and fashion of the 90s. This era provided space for unconventional narratives, opening opportunities and avenues for diverse profiles within the industry. I have a preference for analog photography; it encourages a different approach to photography, one that breathes life into imaginings. Combining collective ideas within a project is a beautiful endeavor.


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